Tina Chen Acupuncture & Herbs

Our Services

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) employs a holistic approach to disease diagnosis, recovery, and prevention. In contrast to Western allopathic medicine that focuses on addressing the symptoms, TCM considers your unique constitution and gets to the root cause of your disorder to treat the entire person.


Acupuncture is the practice of inserting thin, solid, metallic needles at strategic points on the body to stimulate the nervous system and promote natural healing. It is one of the oldest, most popular therapy systems globally.

This in-person only service is most known for its effectiveness in treating various pain and can be applied for many other conditions, including restoring holistic wellness and stress namagement.

Tongue, Auricular, and Palm Diagnosis

Through examining your tongue, ears, palms and evaluating your symptoms, we can best decide if your health concern should better be treated in person, or if it can be addressed remotely.

Pulse Diagnosis

Pulse diagnosis is the art of assessing health details, especially regarding the function of internal organs, via signal subtleties present in the radial pulse in the wrists. It can reveal many common health concerns and how they relate to one another.

This in-person only service is the gold standard in identifying the root causes of your ailments. Moreover, it can detect illnesses sometimes even before you realize they exist.

Herbal Care

We use the most sophisticated form of natural medicine, extracted into granules and convenient for your busy lifestyle. Each formula is custom-tailored based on your diagnosis and your constitution.

Our herbs are grown in the right geo-climate and harvested during peak season for maximum effect. The purity of herbs is ensured through testing for safety against impurities, pesticides and toxicities.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Start your journey back to health today. Schedule a in-person/tele-consult appointment by emailing me at tinachenherbs@gmail.com or text 909-614-5181